Thursday, June 6, 2019

Speedy Service

Triple A (AAA) does a good job of providing road service in all forms but, this was the first time I saw one of their agents arrive on a motorcycle to help someone with a flat tire.  What a great idea.  I bet it makes getting to people in need a little quicker.


Andy said...

A first for me too. Here they (CAA) arrive in a tow truck.

biebkriebels said...

A good help!

Catarina said...

We have CAA. I have never seen an agent on a motorcycle. Great idea!

RedPat said...

That is new to me too!

William Kendall said...

New to me as well.

Thérèse said...

Certainly a quicker service.

Silver in AZ said...

pretty cool, but not sure how he had all he needed to do on him, to do so...?

Bill said...

That's a wonderful service. I wonder when they added a motorcycle to their response team.

Steve Reed said...

As long as he doesn't have to carry a spare tire!

The Padre said...

You And Me Both - Amazing Photos In Your Back Home Post


Aimz said...

I'd never seen that here, but what a great idea.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a good idea Sharon, as yet not seen here either.