Friday, January 17, 2025

More Winter Roses


On a recent walk, I found a house that had an abundance of rose bushes in their front garden.  These roses look like they are loving the recent cooler weather.  They appear to be thriving.

It was great to see all these gorgeous blooms in one spot.  


roentare said...

The flowers look so good

Gemel said...


Diaday said...

Such beautiful colors! No pinks or oranges showing around here. We have to wait until spring.

RedPat said...

Gorgeous is the word for these, Sharon. Wow.

Travel said...

I can almost smell them from here.

Bill said...

Wow, they are stunning and perfect looking.

Cloudia said...

Thank you for the beauty Sharon. Aloha

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These are some healthy, happy roses! I like the colors of the one in the second photo, with the yellow and pink color variation.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! I just cut a rose in our garden this morning. I can't believe we still have blossoms but we do.

Amy said...

Beautiful. It's been quite a hot summer here so my roses are loving the heat.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!