A new pizza restaurant has opened up in my neighborhood. It's called Pizza to the Rescue. It's an Italian restaurant with a loving mission. They support a dog rescue called Almost There Rescue. It's an organization that rescues pregnant dogs and nurtures them through fostering and adoption.
The wait staff wear these great t-shirts that they also sell.
The rescue organization is located in a building right behind the restaurant. At 6:00 they bring some puppies on to the restaurant's patio so patrons can play with them and maybe even start the adoption process. They call it "Yappy Hour".
I wasn't there at 6:00 so I missed the puppy show. I'll have to go back.
Good food, a great cause and cute puppies, what could be more fun?
What a great idea! I've never heard of a restaurant existing to encourage pet adoption, but I love the ingenuity.
I'd go there for sure, Sharon. You may end up adopting a puppy!
A great mission and a cute shirt.
Great idea.
Yappy hour. Gotta love that!!
What a fantastic idea, I like it. Love the t-shirt too.
Sounds a good combo - kill two birds with one stone
That really is an excellent idea! Thanks for making my day aloha
What a great idea. Hope they are successful in fostering the dog and puppies.
A good idea.
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