Monday, January 27, 2025

Shades of Purple


There is an interesting array of subjects in this mural.  The pretty lady appears to be holding on to crystals while the mountain lion prowls under the moonlight and the butterflies swoop in.  At least that's what I'm seeing.

It's all located on the side of a building that houses a business called Uptown Studios.  The artist is Nyla Lee.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


Travel said...

And butterflies

Sami said...

It's a very pretty mural and I like the various shades of purple. Thanks for the participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

RedPat said...

It's fun to try and figure out the message. It is lovely, Sharon.

remmij said...


Cloudia said...

And Outpost of creativity! Aloha

Shammickite said...

I love those varied shades of purple, and the face of the mountain lion is really wonderful, love it! I'm always impressed by large murals, must be so difficult to paint.

Gemel said...

A really groovy mural.

Steve Reed said...

Some interesting and seemingly unrelated elements, but perfectly color-coordinated!

Bill said...

Beautiful mural and pretty colours.