Friday, January 10, 2025

Frida in Tile


During that time between Christmas and the new year, a friend and I drove out to the far northern reaches of Scottsdale and had lunch at the Four Seasons Resort.  That's where I saw this mural of Frida Kahlo made of tiles and mounted on a wall near the entrance to the restaurant.  I'm not quite sure if the tiles were painted before they were assembled on the wall or after.  Whichever it is still a nice mural. 

I also snapped a photo of the hotel's Christmas tree in the middle of the lobby.  I'm sure all these holiday decorations have been put away by now.  


Travel said...

It is surprising how much Scotsdale there is.

Diaday said...

Frida's eyes are so beautiful but full of pain. She had a difficult life in so many ways.

RedPat said...

The mural is wonderful, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Nice Frida mural! I once interviewed a woman who made tile murals for a grocery store chain in Florida; if I remember correctly, she painted the murals with the tiles all positioned as they would be placed, and then fired them before mounting them on the wall.

Bill said...

The mural is amazing especially on a tile.

roentare said...

That mural is a perfect art