A couple of comments on my site yesterday asked where I found that disco ball. Well, the answer is a little strange. I found it in this old trolley bus parked in a vacant lot behind a fast food restaurant. If you look closely, you’ll see it sitting in the driver’s seat. I think the party is over for this old trolley too!
bizarre find. and such a great shot of the disco ball but I would never have believed it is in this old trolly. Be careful scouting around an abandoned item like this as obviously someone is living in it.
Disco ball taking its last ride.
Very strange. I see it was tagged by a graffiti artist but not as much as I would have expected if it had been there very long.
Wow, both of them outdated, no less. Great find.
Neat photo! I'd say that trolley has seen better days...but maybe it could be cleaned up and put to use?
It's amazing where gems are found for the photographer.
Nooo see it has a wonderful future as an art piece
Okay this is totally not where I would have guessed the disco ball was...too weird. You have a wonderful eye for unusual things.
Wish that many of our cities had abandoned trolleys!
The party may be over but it still looks so cool!
Is this the old Spaghetti Company trolley?
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