This pub is close to where I work and I had never visited it until last Friday. I walked in the door and felt like I had been transported to England. With the great atmosphere and extraordinarily friendly service I can’t figure out why I hadn’t gone in there before.

When I saw “Bangers and Mash” on the menu I just had to order it. So, here is bangers and mash, American style. It was enough for two meals.
I have no idea what bangers and mash is and it doesn't sound like fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. Was it good?
I spent one day restoring Patty's computer. She clicked on an email she had sent that could not be delivered and was returned. She was curious as to why it wasn't delivered and clicked on the notice. Well, it was a "worm" that locked her computer and wouldn't let her do anything. When I got up the next day, she came out in her PJs and said, "My computer won't come on."
I had to reformat the hard drive and return it to the factory, new, condition. She lost everything on the computer. I feel sorry for her as it takes a lot of time to put her things back on the computer that she had saved on an external hard drive. Beware folks. If you send an email and it comes back, you should not open it.
I have not been able to get around much of late.
I had to google 'bangers and mash' to know what that is and I probably would have ordered the same! :-)
Looks like a fun Friday stop. I must admit I don't know what bangers and mash is either.
great stop. you always find such unique places.
Looks like another fun place. Would I eat that? I don't know.
Trying to catch up on your pictures. Love the cat! I saw a lot of cats this week.
How nice to find a pleasant place with good food. But, I need to know, like Abe, what is "bangers and mash"?
Okay, for all of you who are wondering about the Bangers and Mash, it is a British dish that consists of sausages with mashed potatoes usually covered with a gravey of some sort. I once had a delightful version of this in London at a pub that was very near my hotel. This version was twice as large (leave it to us Americans to super-size everything) and was covered in a gravey with large pieces of mushrooms.
Looks interesting, is this a new pub in town?
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