Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Guest House, Part 1

 The garden tour I mentioned yesterday included a tour through the guest house on this property and what a beautiful guest house it is.  I could be very happy living in this beautiful house.  Above is the kitchen dining area.

This cozy living area was full of unique furniture gathered around a working fireplace.  

I liked the artwork above the fireplace along with those beautiful porcelain flowering trees on each side.

The room had plenty of light streaming in from windows and glass doors leading to the patio and garden beyond.  The room looked like something I would see in a designer's magazine.  Tomorrow I'll show you some of the other rooms.


Stefan Jansson said...

I would have to redecorate just a bit I think. Great idea though with the indoor tour.

Travel said...

Looks like a delightful place to live.

remmij said...

a blood weeping Madonna seems like an odd choice for the decor...
maybe that is just me.

Bill said...

Looks very inviting and comfortable.

roentare said...

Such a good surround and decoration