Monday, March 10, 2025



I'm sure that anyone who's followed my blog for a number of years knows that I have a special love of art in all shapes and forms.  I spend a lot of time in art museums and I am a member of a group of local artists.  Consequently, I have a large number of photos of artworks from all the places I've visited over the years.  Many times I will photograph a particular artwork because I find it interesting even if I've never heard of the artist.  Doing research about those artists has been a fascinating project that I've undertaken lately.  I've decided to activate an old blog that I used to use to post photos of art pieces I've created.  I've renamed the blog "Sharon's Love of Art" and I'm going to post a new artwork once a week with a little bit of information about the work and the artist.  I've started today with a painting called "The Red Sleigh House" and here is the link to that site.  

The photo above is an example of how I intend to present an artwork on the 'new' site.

The painting above is on display at the Phoenix Art Museum.  It's called WPA and was painted in 1940 by the artist Mine' Okubo, a Japanese American artist who might be best know for the book she wrote entitled "Citizen 13660" about her experiences in a Japanese American internment camp during WWII.  Before being placed the camp, she worked for the WPA (Works Progress Administration) at the start of the war.  She painted murals and created drawings for the WPA between 1940 and 1941.  The museum purchased this painting from the Okubo estate.  You can read more about her here.

If you enjoy art and learning about artists who aren't as famous as Picasso or Monet, check out my new endeavor. Thanks!


roentare said...

Art is therapy either making it or appreciating it.

Thérèse said...

We need plenty of art to heal our everyday sorrows that surround us right now. Thks Sharon.