Saturday, July 22, 2017

Want to Start a Band?

I found this row of guitars at a used book store.  Obviously the store sells more than used books, they have used games, records and CD's, magazines, a few toys and of course, musical instruments.  I usually go there to find a book I'm looking for but this time this row of guitars caught my eye.


Andy said...

Guitar Boogie.

Kate said...

Music stores that display different instruments are always a pleasure to visit, but what a delight to find these in a bookstore, and a used one at that!

Steve Reed said...

What an interesting assortment of items for sale at a single store! Nice photo!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's quite a variety there Sharon, both electric and acoustic! I wonder if anyone has gone in, like yourself, looking for a book and exiting with a guitar 😀

Judy Ryer said...

They have some nice ones!

William Kendall said...

Quite a difference between them!

RedPat said...

It seems to fit well with used books!

Bill said...

Books and guitars, a wonderful match.

Aimz said...

oooh nice! those are some nice varieties.

Jack said...

Nicely done, Sharon. You made a work of art out of a guitar line-up.

Karl said...

Jack said it.