Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Little Kids

When I did my 4th of July post for yesterday, I completely forgot that I had this photo sitting in the wings to use.  This is a sculpture that sits in front of a building that is headquarters for Childhelp, an organization that works with victims of child abuse through education, treatment and prevention programs.

It's such a cute sculpture with all the wee ones looking admiringly at the flag.


Halcyon said...

I'm not so fond of these kinds of statues. Something about them creeps me out! :-P

Andy said...


Kate said...

Halcyon's comment makes me wonder what experiences we all bring to the scenes we observe. I do not take exception to the statue sand interpret them a bit differently, more in line with Andy's comment.

Judy Ryer said...

So cute.

RedPat said...


William Kendall said...

I rather like it.

Bill said...

A rather cute sculpture, I like it.

Small City Scenes said...

I like it

Aimz said...

Nice statues, someone did a good job :-)

Bob Crowe said...

Great shot but I have mixed feelings about the subject matter. The line between patriotism and indoctrination is narrow.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It is a sweet sculpture Sharon, let's hope this organisation doesn't have its funding cut by you know who!

Steve Reed said...

Looks like they're saying the pledge. I have to say I lean more toward Bob and Halcyon on this one!

Jack said...

Interesting to read the varied responses to the statue.