Saturday, July 29, 2017

All Sizes

Phoenix police cars come in all shapes and sizes.  

Some are compact.

And, some are down right tiny!

And this group doesn't show the ordinary four-door sedans that are usually patrolling the city.


Christine said...

A very well equipped, modern looking fleet for Phoenix finest!
& just for fun, they remind me of Daddy Bear, Mommy Bear & Baby Bear squad Cars!

RedPat said...

We seem to even have them in different colors here!

William Kendall said...

The SUVs we have here, with the cruisers, but parking enforcement gets left up to by-law officers, not cops. Our colour scheme is similar- white and blue.

Judy Ryer said...

It's nice to have the right car for the job.

Bill said...

That's a nice assortment, a vehicle for the appropriate job.

Aimz said...

I bet the little one is super speedy!

Jack said...

A cute series. I guess the Smart Car for parking enforcement does make some sense.

Thérèse said...

Nice series.

Steve Reed said...

A Smart car makes sense when it comes to driving around narrow, downtown streets! Sometimes urban police departments wind up with a weird assortment of vehicles because they seize some of them from drug runners or dealers. I remember one community that had a police-department Corvette!

Art said...

Hi Saron, Having designed the City of Phoenix logo and police car graphics my design firm would love to get permission from you to display your photo on our website.