Saturday, June 24, 2017

Urban Mountainside Drive

Where I live in Phoenix is only a short distance from the city's border with the town of Paradise Valley and the town of Paradise Valley sits in a pocket of mountains between the north side of Camelback Mountain and the east edge of the Phoenix Mountain Preserve.  Last Sunday, I took a drive around some Paradise Valley "mountain" streets that twist and turn along the northern edge of the town.  I was on roads I'd never been on before so I had a great time exploring.  I found this house with a tropical look and with a pretty cool looking truck sitting in the driveway.

I also saw this house with six garages!  Good heavens, how many garages does one family need?  Maybe Jay Leno owns this place.  He has a bit of an obsession with cars.


Lowell said...

Two very interesting places. Yes, I'd say if that 2nd house isn't owned by Leno it's owned by someone who loves cars! I rather like the first house.

RedPat said...

Love the truck & the first house, Sharon!

Thérèse said...

If the inside of the house is as awesome as the truck I would love to visit it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Both very impressive homes Sharon.. I reckon there are many men out there with more money than common sense when it comes to cars ☺

William Kendall said...

The house with the truck appeals more- the second one feels like a monument to someone's ego.

Judy Ryer said...

I love that truck!

Bill said...

The truck looks great in front of the house, they both look like a great match. Six garages is rather excessive, don't you think. :)

Aimz said...

I love the old vintage truck, the second property kind of looks like a gated community and so expensive.

Gunn said...

I like the old truck too. The surroundings with the car looks better than the other photo.