These types of corner markets are very rare in a city dominated by the huge chains like Circle K and 7-Eleven. I discovered these little markets quite by accident tucked away in the heart of two residential neighborhoods. Seeing them made me think of my childhood when my grandfather would walk me and my sisters down our street to a tiny corner market to pick out our choice of penny candy. It seemed like the choices were endless and as I think back, included a lot things that haven't been on a candy shelf for many years.
With the multitude of chain convenience markets and multi-purpose gas stations, these little businesses have suffered greatly. It’s nice to see that some of them have survived.
I agree - the small shops have been crowded out of the high street and replaced with faceless chains here too.
Back in the day we had corner stores, and more often that not they were on the corner. More than a few even had the entrance angled at 45ยบ.
I still see the shops but they are either vacant or turned into something else. They were on residential streets, near schools or parks and were family run. They often had wooden floors.
You're right Sharon, the candy was one of the main attractions. Licorice pipes (yuck) those strawberry things and those bananas, caramels. Candy cigarettes (what idiot thought those up?) Bubble gum. I suppose it was mainly sugar and some toxic food colouring.
And it was all out on the counter with no 'sneeze guards'. It seemed like a much simpler time in any event.
Wayne, you brought back even more memories. What about those Necco flavored candy wafers, wax lips, and those little wax bottles of coca-cola and other pop.
I grew up in Cincinnati and we used to call them Pony Kegs. Not sure, other than that's where people would go to get their beer kegs for parties. Does anyone do that anymore?
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