Saturday, February 1, 2025

Theme Day: Motors


The February 1st theme for City Daily Photo Bloggers is "Motors" and I must admit this one had me totally stumped.  Motors are actually everywhere you look.  They are on lawn mowers, motorcycles and of course cars.  They also run appliances like food processors and blenders.  None of that inspired me.  Finally, one day a week or two ago I was shopping Kierland Commons and I passed the Tesla showroom and saw this motor in the window.  So I went inside and took a photo of this display of the motor that runs that electric car and decided that would be my February 1st photo.

To see other blogger's ideas of a motor, click here.


Steve Reed said...

That is a tough photo prompt. I'm not sure I have ever in my life taken a picture of a motor!

Stefan Jansson said...

I forgot about the theme day. Tesla is not a popular name these days. Good photo though.

Travel said...

Neat theme, I would find a radial aircraft engine,

RedPat said...

I found this theme a struggle and ended up not doing it for one of the few times I have missed the theme.
You got a good shot for the theme, Sharon.

Shammickite said...

A very big hunk of shiny metal. I have no idea how a Tesla electric motor works, but I have a pretty good understanding of an internal combustion engine. Must be the same principle I suppose.

Bill said...

Nice photo for the theme, I forgot all about it.

Bill said...

Nice photo for the theme. I forgot all about it.

roentare said...

It looks very interesting though