Wednesday, February 19, 2025

More Artful Expression


I thought I'd show you a few more of the colorful textiles I told you about in yesterday's post. Here is another shot of the labyrinth with all the flags forming the pathway.

This one captures a moose in the forrest.

This one conveys another message about the importance of bees and how we all can work to save the environment.

This last one amazed me in just its sheer beauty.  It almost looks like a painting.


roentare said...

This is a great open exhibition

Travel said...

Quilters do amazing work.

RedPat said...

That last one is really good, Sharon.

Shammickite said...

I wonder how many people took part in this exhibition. And how did they find out about it? I would love to see something like that happen here.

Gemel said...

That's incredible!

Bill said...

An amazing exhibition, I love the one with the moose.