Thursday, December 12, 2024

Look At All Those Colors


Moving on to another gallery on my little walk last Saturday, I found this very colorful painting.  It was at the Casa de Artistas gallery and it was painted by Fran Larsen.  I love it.  All those colors look a bit magical and yet they still seem so real for mineral-rich southwestern setting.

There was another painting by the same artist just to the right in the photo above.  It was much more whimsical but still very colorful.  I posted a photo of the front of this gallery a few years ago and looking at that old photo, I'm pretty sure the painting in the window is by the very same artist.  Take a look here. It's the second photo in that post.


Stefan Jansson said...

Colorful it is.

roentare said...

Wonderful arts

Travel said...

The sunlight and the landscape in that part of the world, do have a special color palette.

RedPat said...

Very powerful, Sharon.

Diaday said...

The Southwest colors ramped .up!

Bill said...

Love all the colours, it's beautiful.

Steve Reed said...

That is a colorful and lively painting!

Amy said...

Whoever buys that painting will find that the colours will go with everything in their home.