Sunday, November 5, 2023

Flashback: Walking in London


Before my recent trip to London, the last time I stayed there was in 2016.  I stayed in a hotel just one block from where I stayed on this recent trip so I had a good feel for the neighborhood around the hotel.  However, back in 2016 I always seemed to walk east and south and never really explored the area to the west.  

So I made a point of doing just that on this recent trip.  I walked all through the neighborhood which turned out to be right in the heart of the University of London campus.  Here are a few images I captured in that area of London.

At the top, a brutalist building I encountered.  I believe this building was full of apartments.

To the left is a sculpture that sits in front of a very large Chinese Restaurant.

This building appeared to hold university offices and possibly classrooms.  I think I'd call this brutalist architecture too.  I have no idea what those concrete objects were on the roof of the building.  

This building is definitely Art Deco, one of my favorite architectural designs.  I love the looks of this building.  

Not far away from the building above I found this apartment building that also had that Art Deco look.  I like the way it was squeezed in between the more traditional buildings.  

It was a great area to walk in.  It was buzzing with young people all speaking a variety of foreign languages and looking studious and eager.  

This is the same area where I found the very tall "Senate House" building I posted two weeks ago.  


  1. I miss London, we were there briefly in March of 2020.

  2. I really love the Art Deco buildings that you spotted, Sharon. They could be in a Poirot episode.

  3. That's a nice sculpture at the Chinese restaurant.

  4. I like the art deco look too. London has such alot of history and things to see.

  5. The art deco building is so looking classic.

  6. Some good studies of the variety of buildings, Sharon. I'm with you: I prefer the deco to the brutalist styles.

  7. recently refurbished

  8. England loves its Brutalism -- I'm not sure why.

  9. @ Mr. Reed — a hypothesis…
    "plane spotting…"
    "A senior member of the British government has been forced to admit that he was involved in a relationship with a woman who worked as a professional dominatrix."
    S&B ;^0
