Saturday, November 4, 2023

Archaeology of Memory


I went to the Phoenix Art Museum yesterday for a Members Only preview of an exhibit that opens on Sunday.  It's called Archaeology of Memory and is an examination of the work and career of pioneering Chicana artist Amalia Mesa-Bains.  

I didn't realize that the artist herself was going to be there to talk about the work.  That's her in the electric wheel chair.  The show contained a series of vignettes that are sort of life-sized ofrendas honoring someone who has passed on.  

They were all quite beautiful and interesting to see.  I spoke briefly to one of the docents working there and she said that it made her feel like a little kid visiting her grandmother's house and seeing all the things she had collected.  I think that's a perfect description.  I found myself examining all the little things in each scene.  It's an interesting exhibit.  I'm sure I'll visit it one more time.


  1. Looks very nice to visit this exhibition.

  2. Sounds like a nice experience.

  3. We celebrate Alla helgons dag in Sweden today. People will go to the cemetery and light a candle at the graves.

  4. Seems like a wonderful exhibition.

  5. Yes, I can see how it would remind someone of their grandmother's house.

  6. The exhibit is quite unique. Love the vibe.
