Monday, November 6, 2023

Pigeons of London

I didn't take many photos this last weekend so I'm going to have another post from my trip to London two weeks ago.  This time I'm featuring the mighty pigeon.  It used to be that Trafalgar Square was always teeming with pigeons and tourists.  On this trip, I didn't see as many pigeons fluttering about among the monuments.  However I did spot this one who found a perfect perch on top of the Lion's head.

In the Victoria Embankment Gardens, I found these two sitting in a puddle of water and grooming each other.  

Nearby was this one napping in the grass.  He was all by himself just having a little snooze in the grass.  

Some of you probably saw this one before when Steve posted it on his blog.  We saw this fellow snoozing on top of an in-ground light fixture when we took our Sunday photo walk into The City.  Steve did a lovely post about our explorations on a beautiful sunny day in London.

I call this photo "pigeon girl".  I saw this young woman sitting in Russel Square and virtually surrounded by pigeons.  I watched her for a little while.  She would occasionally toss out a handful of bird seed and the pigeons would rush around her to the get their share.  



  1. They can be a bit of a nuisance when the numbers get large like around that young woman.

  2. Great shots of the pigeons and the woman.

  3. popped into my head when I saw the lion…
    does start with a "P" -
    seems quite British, pip pip.

  4. I'm not sure "Pigeon Girl" is happy being surrounded by all those pigeons. She looks a bit concerned!

    I believe the authorities have instituted pigeon control measures to keep Trafalgar Square from being swamped as it was in the old days.

  5. a pigeon story -

  6. These pigeons seem invasive to me
