Saturday, October 9, 2021

When the World Gives You Lemons....

....make lemonade.  

Sorry, for the schmaltzy cliche.  I saw that lovely dish of lemons recently in a hotel lobby and thought it looked pretty enough for a photo.  The lemonade shot I found in my photo files.  

It's funny how some things strike you as photogenic and others don't.  That dish of lemons just looked so perfectly arranged, I couldn't resist.  


Travel said...

Great Photos,

biebkriebels said...

I eat every day an orange, have a fruit bowl full as in your photo!

Catarina said...

Oranges... that's what I thought they were. :)

RedPat said...

They are so bright and cheerful looking. We have had a whole week of cloudy skies so it is nice to see something bright, Sharon.

Sami said...

Such a simple arrangement but it looks so pretty :)

Andy said...

When life gives you lemons make lemon meringue pie.

Bill said...

A simple photo yet very appealing. Nice shot, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

It's been awhile since I last had lemonade.

Aimz said...

We are still over run with lemons from Winter, our tree is still loaded.

Catalyst said...

Good connection. I too like a picture of a gaggle of lemons.

Gemel said...

Refreshing photos.

Steve Reed said...

They are very photogenic! I always wonder about the wisdom of leaving citrus lying around in a bowl, though. Seems like it wouldn't last very long that way.