Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Broadway is Back!!


It was another exciting day in New York.  We went to see the musical "The Tina Turner Story" for a 2:00PM matinee performance.  The show was outstanding as I had hoped it would be.  The star, Adrienne Warren was amazing.  

After the play, we made our way to one of our favorite New York restaurants called JoJo.  Over our table were some lamps that immediately made me think of Tina Turner.  Look at all that fringe!

Then from the restaurant, we walked back to the hotel enjoying the window shopping on Madison Avenue and a view of St. Patrick's Cathedral at night.  (That walk was from 64th Street and Lexington to 46th Street and & 7th Avenue.  A few of you will know exactly how far that is.)

I turned around a got a photo of Rockefeller Center with a giant pumpkin in front.  It was a great walk and what was even better was the weather.  It was in 70's!  Amazingly warm for late October.


Andy said...

Fantastic photos. I am glad you are having a good time.

Janey and Co. said...

Oh what beautiful pictures, on what sounds like a magical evening. I would love to see the musical about Tina Turner….So happy that Broadway is back not only for the actors and the large group of backstage workers..but for the audience as well!

biebkriebels said...

You have a wonderful time there, the Tina Turner show sounds great! And the evening photo's of the city are so nice!

William Kendall said...

The cathedral is magnificent.

Travel said...

That is a long walk, looks wonderful

RedPat said...

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

I'm glad you're getting some good walking in, and in nice weather to boot! I saw Tina Turner live back in the spring of 2000 and it was a FANTASTIC concert. I will never forget it.

Roseann said...

Do you know that one NYC block N/S is 1/20 mile? So one mile is 20 NYC blocks N/S.
There is no similar equivalent for E/W blocks.
So it was a mile N/S and Third Ave to 7th Ave is a lot.....

Good thing you are a walker.

Bill said...

Great photos, Sharon. Glad you are having a fantastic time.

Gemel said...

The lamp is lovely.

Aimz said...

Love that lamp - very retro

Catarina said...

I would love to see Tina Turner live.