Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Desert Scenes & Fresh Air


I went for a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden last Sunday morning and the air was so crystal clear that it made taking photos with the telephoto lens a pleasure.

I couldn't get over how clear everything looked when I zoomed in on subjects.  

And, I could take shots across great distances and still get a clear view.  Here is the view of Camelback Mountain from the highest trail at the garden.  

I wonder if all this clear air had something to do with the low pressure system that is pushing its way east. Maybe it cleared the air while cooling it down a bit.  It was 64 degrees when I left the house.  Perfect for walking.


Andy said...

It looks like the fresh air has also been kind to the cactus.

Stefan Jansson said...

A fine bluee sky it is, a bit like a Swedish blue sky.

Travel said...

Relaxing, just looking at it.

Gemel said...

Nothing like nature to revive the soul.

Bill said...

Beautiful blue sky, something we hardly see here.

RedPat said...

These are great desert shots, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

Those mountain views are beautiful!

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots. The cacti are quite photogenic.

Catalyst said...

Wonderful photos. It has really chilled down here. I turned the furnace on for the first time this morning and it's felt good today. We had a heckuva hail storm last night and very high winds all day yesterday.

Aimz said...

Gorgeous big tall cactuses