Sunday, October 24, 2021

Last Full Day in New York


Yesterday was our last full day in New York.  We have a few hours on Monday and then an evening flight home to Phoenix.

As you can see from the left, we spent some time at the Guggenheim Museum on Sunday.  They had a fabulous Kandinsky exhibit on display.

Then we did a very touristy thing and took a carriage ride through Central Park.  I've never done that before but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The trees in Central Park we only beginning to turn but we saw a few great colors anyway.

Then we ended the day with another Broadway show.  This time it was SIX, a new musical all about the six wives of Henry VIII.  Only these six wives were a lot more liberated and modern.  It was fun!

As I write this, I'm not sure what we will be up to Monday morning before we leave for the airport.  I'll report on that later.


Aimz said...

the horse rides in central park are kind of iconic I think, they seem to be popular.

Andy said...

Fantastic photos Sharon. Time flies when you are have fun.

biebkriebels said...

You are having a great time there!

Steve Reed said...

The park is beautiful at this time of year, isn't it?!

RedPat said...

You have seen some fabulous things there!

Travel said...

Wonderful, we need to go back to the Guggenheim, they had a video display in the rotunda and all of the light blocked off over the summer

Bill said...

The carriage ride looks awesome. What a way to finalize your trip.

Catarina said...

You managed your time really well.

Catalyst said...

I was struck by that Central Park photo with the boy sitting on the rock, ignoring all the wonderful scenery around him while staring at his phone. He must be a local. You had a wonderful visit to the Big Apple, Sharon; you're very lucky.

William Kendall said...

A great city to be in.