Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Last of New York Photos


We spent the last morning in New York visiting the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center location.

As you can see from the photo to the left, there is still a lot of construction going at the site.

The actual memorial is beautiful and very peaceful and calming with the sound of the rushing water of the fountain.  We happened to arrive right at the end of a ceremony for new police officers who just graduated.  You can see them all lined up under the trees behind the fountain.

After enjoying the memorial, we went into the museum which turned out to be HUGE.  It was much bigger than I expected and it had a very strong emotional impact.  In fact, a little over half way through, I had to stop reading the panels and move quickly through.  It was a feeling a lot like I had when I visited the holocaust museum.  The impact of the loss felt overwhelming.  

Across the street from the memorial is the new transport hub called "The Oculus".  It's a building worth seeing.  The soaring building creates an airy opening filled with shops and access to the subway.  There is probably a lot more down there but time restraints hindered further investigation.  We will have to explore next time.


biebkriebels said...

I fully understand your feelings by visiting the memorial. It has had such an impact on me too. I watched the documentary on television lately and all the horror feelings of that day came back again. It was a horrible attack we will never forget.

Revrunner said...


Andy said...

I am lost for words.

RedPat said...

Overwhelming indeed.

William Kendall said...


Catarina said...

In a few days it will be time to plan for another trip...

Steve Reed said...

I haven't seen any of this -- it was all built (or at least finished) after we moved to London.

Bill said...

Amazing and overwhelming.

Travel said...

The Oculus is worthy of an hour on its own.

Gemel said...

Great photos Sharon.

Aimz said...

I'd want to visit there too, did it feel kind of eerie when you were there?