Thursday, October 28, 2021

NYC Taxis, Animals, Art & a Full Moon


I know I said yesterday's post was the last of the New York photos but, I decided to post one more of a few odd shots I took while exploring the city.  Above is a window display in a shop at Rockefeller Center.  I loved all those toy taxis lined up so neatly.

Above is a couple of dog walkers taking their charges out for their daily walk in the park.

To the right is a Central Park squirrel who wasn't the least bit intimidated by the crazy women who got close enough to snap this photo with her iPhone.  He probably knew he could out run me.

On our first night in New York, we left the hotel to head to dinner when we spotted a full moon glowing between the buildings.

This last shot was taken through a shop window.  It appeared as though a vacant store front had been converted into an art space for a community of artists.  This piece was facing the window.  I have no idea who the artist is but it is a striking image.

There, that is the last of the New York photos for now.  I'm sure some others will show up on my Sharon's Sojourns site sometime in the future.  


Andy said...

It's easy to see you enjoyed your stay in New York.

Revrunner said...

There is an article in today's Washington Post, I think, asking the question if automobiles ought to be included in art exhibits.

Catarina said...

I'm glad you posted these pics. :)

Steve Reed said...

I'm counting nine dogs in that dog-walker shot. That's a lot of dogs to manage, even for two people!

RedPat said...

I like all of these shots, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

That squirrel is such a cutie.

Bill said...

Great shots, Sharon. The dog walkers sure have their hands full.

Travel said...

Love the Batman, nice moon shot, fun city

Allison said...

Love the squirrel and the dogs. Thanks for posting, I love these pictures and wish I was there.

Aimz said...

I adore dogs but don't think I could handle that many, but it would be lots of fun.