Sunday, October 17, 2021

Mr. & Mrs.


I rarely am able to get a good photo of cardinals but I was lucky on this day when I spotted this one sitting in a tree.  They tend to be skittish around people so photographing them is a challenge.  I was happy this one stayed put long enough to snap a photo.

A little later on, I saw the female cardinal sitting on the ground.  Two in one day!  That really was worth celebrating.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have New York on my mind.


biebkriebels said...

Well done, they look beautiful!

Andy said...

Sharon I still say you are becoming a nature photographer... and a good one.

Janey and Co. said...

Great shots. It’s almost like the female came back and said.”Hey take my picture too”! I agree that Cardinals are skittish.

RedPat said...

WE have a lot of them here and they stay all winter giving us a great hit of colour against the snow. They also seem to stay around late in the day after all the other birds have gone to sleep.

Travel said...

Here the cardinals are easier to photograph in winter.

Sami said...

Beautiful birds.

Steve Reed said...

That male cardinal looks a bit scruffy. I wonder if he's undergoing a seasonal molt, or maybe his mature feathers are growing in?

Catarina said...

A couple of years ago some would pass by my backyard... Haven't seen them lately. You captured them well.

Bill said...

Beautiful captures, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful birds.

Aimz said...

Now that's a very colourful looking bird.

Gemel said...

Wow they are incredible.