Sunday was the last day for the Monarch Butterfly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Gardens and what a treat it turned out to be. The temperature stayed below 70 degrees making the butterflies seek the warmth of the sun. They all clustered on one tree decorating it like delicate, festive holiday ornaments. It was quite a sight to see. Click on the photo to enlarge it and get a better view.
I even got some great close up shots like this one, just because they were so still and quiet. They seemed to be posing for a portrait.
Amazing photos, Sharon! I love the one of the tree with all those pretty "flowers" adorning it.
Sorry I haven't been around - I was traveling and had lots of family business to tend to. But I'm back now...
WOW! The butterflies do look like flowers or fruit on the trees! Thanks for posting this.
Yes, I agree. That top photograph is truly wonderful. The butterflies look like beautiful orange fans delicately positioned in the tree.
This must have been amazing to see!
Oh this is great, Sharon. I'm sorry I missed this this year.
Great photos. Monarchs are amazing. Their long migrations are impressive, especially for such a small creature.
The first shot is fantastic and really deserves being enlarged! I would love to visit the mexican reserves when they all gathered there.
Wonderful! What a great sight for you to observe. I often wondered how cool it would be to see the Monarch butterfly sanctuary in Mexico. You captured the lone butterfly beautifully.
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