Tuesday, April 2, 2024

More Blooms to Enjoy


I had dinner at a friend's house last Saturday night.  It's the same friend whose garden inspired photos last April.  

She has the proverbial "green thumb".  There are blooms in all directions.  

This rose caught my eye.

And then this purple flower drew my attention.  It looks like a petunia with variegated colors.

Then my friend pointed out this plant.  She said it's the very same plant but this one gets more sun than the other one.  She wonders if that's why this one has more white on it.

She has something blooming all year long.


  1. The land of the sun, just add water and it will bloom.

  2. There are some beautiful petunias out there with spot, colors fading into one another, and plus they smell good. I love to watch the bees gather pollen from them.

  3. Impressive for sure, Sharon. She must put in a lot of work out there in her garden.

  4. That petunia is a variety known as "Night Sky." We had them in our garden a couple of years ago. I don't think the white/light green on the blossoms in the third photo is related to sun exposure -- I think it's just a genetic fluke. Sometimes hybrids do weird things. (I am no Luther Burbank, though!)

  5. I checked the other post as well. Your friend has a beautiful garden.
