Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Soup Night with the Pups


Yesterday I featured some flowers from my friend's garden.  Today I have a photo of the table at my friend's house. It was set for our dinner party.

I have a group of friends who periodically meet for "soup night".  Someone prepares the soup and someone else brings a salad  and bread.  It's always a great evening of conversation, laughs and a lot of solving of the world's problems.  

This time it was at the home of Max and his furry siblings.  

Here is Winston keeping watch on the cushion with Max tucked in below.  You saw these two last year in this post.

These two dogs are good at posing for photos.  The other dogs who reside here eluded my camera once again.  


  1. They look really well behaved, Sharon. The dinner looks like a great idea.

  2. You have the most interesting friends, Sharon!!!
    Soup night... what a great idea. I am thinking now to start something like on a monthly basis.
    Love that table!

  3. Soup Night sounds like a great idea!

  4. Soup Night with friends is a great idea! I love to make soups.

  5. The dinner table is set up so nicely!
