Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Random iPhone Sightings


Just some random iPhone photos that I have gathered starting with this car I saw in a garage in Scottsdale.  I wonder if instead of honking, the horn says mooo!  

I was having Sunday afternoon drinks with friends a few weeks ago and we were seated next to very large plant.  One of my friends used the rocks in the planter to build his own little cairn.  I liked it!

I saw this wire cage-like basket sitting in the hallway of a local restaurant.  Is it a decorator item of some kind or does it have an unknown purpose?  

This one takes you into the ladies room at the restaurant Sel in Scottsdale.  One wall was covered in black tiles with little spots of white here and there.  On closer inspection, I saw that the white spots were actually salt shakers imbedded into the tile wall.  

Oh, I get it.  The restaurant's name is "Sel".  


  1. The salt shakers are quite unusual. I'm not sure how I feel about that idea.

  2. I have never seen salt shakers as part of a tile job before! That's pretty inventive. Is the cage thing a bench, maybe?

  3. The salt shakers are strange but creative.

  4. That iron cage like basket really caught my attention
