Friday, November 3, 2023

Homes in Historic Neighborhoods.


I have three houses from different historic neighborhoods that I've admired recently.  This one was found in the Windsor neighborhood.  It's small but somehow elegant looking.

This one was found in the Encanto Palmcroft neighborhood.  It has a Spanish style to it and is enhanced by the palm trees surrounding it.  

This last one is in the Del Norte neighborhood.  I love all the windows in this one and the brick construction.  In fact, I think I like the two brick homes the best.  There is something very warm and welcoming about a brick home.


  1. I love the last one with those windows.

  2. Historic homes have such charm and personality. I like the last one.

  3. I adore old neighborhoods where there is some originality in architecture.

  4. By the way..I am not really back. Just checking in on my old friends…Janey

  5. Then there are the houses up the sides of the mountains, that city has so much to offer.

  6. I like all the windows in that last one too, Sharon.

  7. Beautiful homes. My favourite is the last one.

  8. Beautiful homes. I'll take the Spanish stucco one!

  9. I agree with you about brick homes. And I like the last one best.

  10. The last one really appeals to me.

  11. That last one is beautiful. But what's that elevated metal thing at the side of the house? Is that the air conditioner? Why is it up so high?
