Sunday, July 30, 2023



The bleached scull of a steer or buffalo is seen a lot in southwestern decor.  I didn't realize that the use of them as decoration goes back way further than the American Southwest.  I learned that when I researched the word "bucranium".  This particular one was hanging on the wall of a Scottsdale resort.  

The simple background for this photo made it another good subject for some experimental photo editing.  I like the one above very much.  It looks like a southwestern painting.

This one has exaggerated the colors making it look like it has lights glowing from behind it.  Neither photos will win any prizes but it was something to do on a day when it's too hot to go outside to take new photos.  


  1. Bucranium is certainly unique and special

  2. When I see one, I think southwest

  3. I actually thought that the 2nd one was a painting.

  4. The last one does look like a painting. I like it a lot.

  5. Bucranium! That's a new word for me. Your edited photos are indeed very Georgia O'Keeffe!

  6. Your artful edits are great.

  7. Amazing! What editing program do you use?
