Saturday, July 29, 2023

International Tiger Day


I read somewhere that today is International Tiger Day so I decided to dig into my archives and see if I had some good tiger photos.  I found these images from the Phoenix Zoo taken several years ago.

International Tiger Day was set aside to recognize conservation efforts to protect these beautiful beasts.  The tigers at the Phoenix Zoo have it pretty easy.  Someone brings them their food while they relax in the shade.  (I hope they are relaxing in the shade today.  It's pretty hot even for tigers.)

They even have a few trees in their enclosure that they can climb to get a better view of all the guests who are admiring them.  Don't you wonder what he's thinking?


  1. Great contrast and colours on the shots.

  2. Great photos. If I were him, I'd be wondering what do they taste like and how do you get through the t-shirts?

  3. They are such gorgeous creatures.

  4. Nice job of commemorating the day. Sharon! Aloha

  5. He's thinking "What a tasty bite that would be!"

  6. He's thinking, "Wonder how THAT person would taste?"
