Monday, May 1, 2023

Theme Day: Museum


It's the first of the month and time for a theme to challenge us bloggers.  This month's them is Museum.  I visit lots of museums in the Phoenix area but I probably visit the Heard Museum the most.  Here is a view looking north in the central courtyard of the museum.  I was standing at the museum entrance when I took this shot.  Those umbrellas to the right are over the courtyard cafe's dining area.  

To see other museums from around the world, click here.


Travel said...

I should visit there next trip

RedPat said...

That is a nice perspective, Sharon. Good one for the theme.

William Kendall said...

A worthy museum to feature.

Steve Reed said...

Definitely a good theme for you!

Bill said...

I like your perspective. Great for the theme.

roentare said...

Excellent composition

Catalyst said...

I would have thought you visited the DBG's museum the most. But perhaps you don't consider it a museum.

Jim said...

Great for theme day.

Aimz said...

It looks modern but I like the angle of your photo.