Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Color on Four Wheels


I spotted this very colorful VW bus sitting on the lot of a local Volkswagen repair shop.  The painted Arizona state flag on the door is a nice touch.  

A little later I saw this old classic.  It's been restored and painted a color that I am sure never existed on any auto when this car rolled off the assembly line.  


Andy said...

Much more colourful than my car. In fact there are so many car colour choices than before.

roentare said...

that car is so classic!

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice bit of car spotting.

William Kendall said...

The second is my favourite.

Steve Reed said...

I love the groovy van! Wonder if it belongs to the owner of the shop? And who's that woman on the side?

Travel said...

I wish I had owned an original beetle.

RedPat said...

Love the VW bus. My Dad had a couple of them when I was a kid and I loved going for trips in them.

Bill said...

Love the vw bus. My high scool track coach used to have one and take us to the meets.

Catalyst said...

I see the VW bus is keeping up with its heritage with the peace sign painted on the front. And I love to see these old restored cars, especially from my early driving days as this one probably is.

Gemel said...

The combi van like many I see here.

Aimz said...

I like them both but I really like the top one because of it's illustrations.