Sunday, May 21, 2023

Another Perfect Pose


On one of my walks at the Desert Botanical Garden, I heard the chirping of a cactus wren and I started looking around to find the little fellow.  I looked up in the tree and over at the cactus and the agave but no sign of it.  And then I saw him sitting on a handrail about three feet away from me.  He continued to sit there while I snapped off a few photos.  The cactus wrens are getting more and more used to people milling about the garden.  

Speaking of birdsongs, did any of you see the David Attenborough Nature special about birdsong?  He featured an amazing Australian bird called a Lyre Bird that can perfectly imitate any sound it hears in the forrest. I was amazed at how perfectly it made the sound of a clicking camera shutter.

Here's a link to a clip from the show.  It's only 2:54 minutes long but if you want to get to just the camera clicks and other sounds, those start at 1:50 minutes.


roentare said...

This wren looks so unique to look at

Andy said...

Sharon I think you are becoming an expert on birds.
Thanks for the David Attenborough tip.

Travel said...

Birds are so cool, and some of them even fly

RedPat said...

What a sweet bird, Sharon. I'm off to listen to the bird now. Thanks in advance.

Steve Reed said...

Great bird photo! That video is AMAZING! I haven't seen the special but the lyre bird's sound effects were good for a laugh. I especially like the camera shutter with a motor drive, and the chainsaws! I've heard that mockingbirds imitate human sounds too, like car alarms.

Bill said...

What a great shot of this pretty bird.

William Kendall said...

What a pretty bird.

Catalyst said...

OMG! That bird with all of his various calls and sounds is simply amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Aimz said...

I haven't seen the documentary but I will look it up.