Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Blooms at the Very Top


The saguaro cactus have just started sprouting with blooms at the very top of these tall desert plants.

The blooms are making the birds and the bees very happy right now.  Since they are usually the only ones who can reach these blooms, that works out perfectly.  


Andy said...

I amazes me how the birds avoided the to cactus needles.

Travel said...

Such a pretty place

roentare said...

I just love the cacti. They look so great in texture and colours.

RedPat said...

It's a crown of flowers. Happy birds.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty, Sharon.

Bill said...

A beautiful sight that the birds enjoy visiting.

Allison said...

Your pictures are so great. The hummingbird at the saguaro fruit is spectacular. Thanks for showing us the pretty side of Phoenix.

Gemel said...

Beautiful, it is amazing how birds navigate the thorns.

Catalyst said...

I believe that's a Gila Woodpecker in your second photo. It always amazed me how birds can drill holes in those cacti and make their nests inside.

Aimz said...

Hope the birds have tough feet

Steve Reed said...

Nature provides!