Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Nesting Time


When I was walking at the Desert Botanical Garden, I saw several nests in use.  This mourning dove had a nest that was almost at eye level and she seems to be hard at work keeping those eggs warm.

This dove had a nest in the arms of a very large cactus.  This one appeared to be just settling in.  She kept turning around as if to find the most comfortable spot.

This dove isn't nesting but appears to be taking a nap on a big rock near the entrance to the garden.  The top of that rock was at my knee level which to me seemed like an odd place for this bird to be having a siesta. Nature is always a fascinating adventure.  


biebkriebels said...

Nice pictures of the life of a pigeon

Travel said...

Pretty birds, nesting in a cactus has to be a thorny place.

Andy said...

They are brave birds to nest with all of those thorns.

RedPat said...

Great shots of these gentle birds, Sharon.

Bill said...

Getting comfortable on a cactus seems like a challenge. :)

Allison said...

Hey! I saw your comment on Linda's blog about using a Nikon Coolpix. Is that what you're using for all of these spectacular images? All of my "real" cameras have aged out, and I've been looking for ONE replacement for them.

roentare said...

Palpable nurturing love

William Kendall said...

Beautiful birds.

Aimz said...

And she looks happy enough too

Steve Reed said...

I imagine a cactus must be one of the safest places to build a nest!