Thursday, May 25, 2023

iPhone Silliness


Just a few very silly iPhone photos I've accumulated over the past few weeks.  This first one is what happens when I've been left sitting in the doctor's exam room on my own for too long. I get intrigued by the wheels on the rolling table in the room.  I was going to delete this after it was downloaded but I like how you can see the reflection of me taking the photo in the chrome.

Inside a restaurant where a I had a late lunch with a friend. I kept expecting Frank Sinatra to come walking in.  Doesn't this look like the kind of place he'd frequent?

A couple of mindless gentleman sitting in a hotel lobby.  I say "mindless" because they each had a giant whole in their head where their brain should have been.

This one was a little tricky to get.  It's an advertising display inside a department store featuring a Coco Chanel perfume called Mademoiselle.  I took this one just to see if I could get the photo without getting me in it.  I almost made it.  You can still see a tiny sliver of me in two of the mirrored panels.


Andy said...

Sharon when you are have fun I laugh. Thank you.
PS: Frank has the day off.

Travel said...

Amazing how things have changed with 97% if Americans having a camera in their pocket.

RedPat said...

These are fun, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

I'm glad you didn't delete the wheel! I like that one. Yes, the restaurant looks very "red sauce" Italian.

Bill said...

Fun and creative photos. Very good, Sharon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I like them, worth keeping

Cloudia said...

You have a good eye and you should indulge it! Thank you for sharing

Catalyst said...

That room is a little too high-ceilinged and large for Sinatra. I see him coming into a low ceiling-ed, smaller, dark and smoky place. But the tablecloths fit the image.

William Kendall said...

These are wonderful shots, Sharon.

Aimz said...

I like those faces, sometimes it's fun to take photos of the inside of places we visit.

roentare said...

That mirror along the staircase is dazzling