Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Saga of Geese and Goslings


It started around 8:00 Monday morning.  I heard the two geese calling to each other.  I walked out on the balcony and saw just this one trailed by one little one.  But I could clearly hear two.  Where was the other one?

Then I saw it on the other side of the wall separating the two complexes.  A resident over there was carefully herding this group to the back gate so the two parents could bring the family together.

Finally mom and pop were together again as they led the way for their young charges.  

One of the little ones decided to take a little rest but it was prodded on by one of the parents.  They were soon finding their way through the complex once again.

I looked at my old photos and discovered that this has been going on for the past five years. 

I was pleased to notice how carefully drivers were around the group as they marched through the parking lot.  I saw two delivery trucks stop and wait along with two cars.  It's good to see so many people respectful of the wildlife.  


biebkriebels said...

It is such a sweet view, the family happy together again!

Andy said...

Those Canadians like to have big families. (‾⌣‾)

roentare said...

The geese and ducks are so cute together

Travel said...

How sweet

RedPat said...

The little ones are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Those are great captures!

Bill said...

A happy ending for the family. Love the photo accompanying the words, excellent little saga.

William Kendall said...

A lot of work looking after those young ones.

Aimz said...

We don't often see them here.

Steve Reed said...

I would still love to know why they find your parking lot so desirable as a nesting area. It seems so unlikely! (Even though I'm sure it's a very nice parking lot.)