Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Ziggy's Sister


I found this sculpture in Scottsdale on the grounds of the Scottsdale Artists School.  It is called "Ziggy's Sister" and was created by Al Beadle (Alfred Newman Beadle, 1927-1998), a well known modernist architect from the post WWII generation.

There are many Beadle designed homes and buildings in the Phoenix area.

Beadle would always include a sculpture on the property of all his projects.  Most of them were painted red or yellow or some were just rusting steel.  This is one of two that was painted blue.  

There is no explanation as to how this sculpture got its name.  

Tomorrow I'll show you the school where this sculpture resides.  


Andy said...

Nice work of art. Beadle has my attention.

Travel said...

I always wanted to learn to weld

RedPat said...

I like it, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder who Ziggy was?

Linda Sue said...

This sculpture is such a lark- I love it! Great sense of humor, clever design. Thanks for getting around and showing us what you see, it is always splendid !

Bill said...

The sculptures are beautiful.

remmij said...

there's a 3rd - supposedly in Prescott…
Involution III - a Ziggy's Sister?? - also blue
"This sculpture, Ziggy's Sister, is one of two sculptures he painted blue; the other is installed at Upper Iowa University in Fayette, Iowa. Ziggy's Sister …"
from here

Gemel said...

Very unusual.

William Kendall said...

Quite different.

remmij said...

an Al Beadle building that isn't in Phoenix anymore…

Aimz said...

i like his ideas!