Friday, April 15, 2022

A Paradise Valley View


I was driving around the hills and mountains of Paradise Valley when I got to one spot with a good view to the south.  I could see all the way to downtown Phoenix and all the tall buildings there.

I zoomed in to get a better look at those tall buildings.  The Bank One building looks like the tallest one from this angle.  It's sitting right in the middle.


Gemel said...

The mountain range in the background dwarfs the city. Great view.

Janey and Co. said...

I always enjoy coming to Arizona with it’s mountains and unusual plants.

Travel said...

Great views, a neat city

RedPat said...

That is a fabulous view, Sharon.

Linda Sue said...

cool Apolonian perspective of mountain line and city line, mirroring one another.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty view of the skyline, and I like the mountains in the background!

Bill said...

What great views, love the skyline with the mountains in the background.

William Kendall said...

Terrific views!

Aimz said...

Is that palm trees I can see? I'm so use to seeing them in suburbs by the beach

Gardens at Waters East said...

Have been there, it looks hot!

Steve Reed said...

Great views!