Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Learning New Cooking Techniques


Last Saturday, my friend Julie treated a group of us to a cooking class with a chef that Julie knows.  The chef's name is Maggie Norris and she owns the business called Whisked Away Cooking School.  She teaches in her own home where she has a kitchen large enough to host about 8 people at a time.  She spent the first 30 minutes of the class showing us techniques we would be using and then working in pairs, we were assigned specific parts of the meal.  My friend Glenda and I worked on the Caesar salad.  I had never made a Caesar dressing from scratch before and wow, what a difference that made.  

Julie and another friend, Danny worked on the Three Cheese Mac and Cheese.  It was so delicious with cheddar, parmesan and fontina cheese in it.

My friends David and Riley were seriously concentrating on the Bernaise sauce for the grilled steaks.  I don't think I'd ever had a bernaise sauce with steak before and that was another delicious revelation.  

Julie's husband Dave and another friend made the chocolate mousse for dessert.  

After preparations were done, we all sat down at the table in the top photo and ate our creations.  Apparently I was so involved in eating, I didn't take any photos of the finished food.  

It was great fun.  I'll never make a Caesar salad with bottled dressing ever again.


Andy said...

Sign me up. I could use some lessons. (‾⌣‾)

Steve Reed said...

How fun!

Travel said...

Looks like fun, life is returning to normal,

RedPat said...

It all sounds delicious, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

It all sounds delicious.

Bill said...

Sounds like fun and you learned new things.

Janey and Co. said...

What a great way to create a meal. I am headed to Paris very soon and have a cooking class lined up. Can’t wait!

Aimz said...

Caesar salads are SO good, can't say I've made mac n cheese with 3 cheese though, I've never thought about it but it is a good idea.

Susie of Arabia said...

I'd love to take a class like that! Yum!