Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sparse Blooms


I drove past that giant bottle brush tree that blooms every April and discovered another year of weak blooms.  

I first discovered this tree in 2018 when it was ablaze with blooms.  Then in 2019 it was once again full of bright red blooms

I haven't seen it bloom like that again.  I wonder if it has bloomed earlier the past two years and I'm just seeing that last of the blooms.  I'm going to mark my calendar for next year and try again.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Like little coloured dusters

biebkriebels said...

Looks beautiful.

Travel said...

A marvel of warmer climates. That is a large tree

RedPat said...

Such an unusual flower to these eyes, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Interesting. Maybe some years are just better for flowers than others. Is the tree's owner someone you could ask? They could tell you if it's an issue of timing or annual variability.

Bill said...

Beautiful tree with its flowers

Catalyst said...

It is a pretty but very messy tree.

William Kendall said...

Quite pretty.

Aimz said...

It's very pretty and vibrant.