Sunday, April 3, 2022

Mountainside Home


Driving around the hilly roads in Paradise Valley, I spotted this round room jutting up from the hillside. I wondered what it was attached to.

When I rounded the curve in the road, I was looking up at the structure but still couldn't make it out.  I had to drive on and get a little further away to get a good view of the house with that round room at one end.

So, I zoomed in to get a better view.  It looks like a very nice house and since that round room faces south toward the city, I'm guessing the views are pretty spectacular.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm featuring some favorite photos from Europe.


Susie of Arabia said...

I love homes like this. Looks pretty isolated, which I like, and the views must be spectacular.

Travel said...

I could live there, if I won the PowerBall

RedPat said...

A room with a view indeed!

Bill said...

I like it and can imagine the beautiful views you would have.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! I bet those are amazing views. I love the idea of a round room but I bet it's hell to furnish.

Linda Sue said...

The hillside does look rattle snake-ish. AND very warm in summertime! Cool house though, cool- not as in "cold"...

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks like it is hidden away in the middle of nowhere.

William Kendall said...

Quite fitting with its surroundings.

Aimz said...

They would have an excellent view over the dry landscape which reminds me of the scenery in the movie "Zabriskie Point"