Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!


To celebrate the day I have an Easter bouquet of flowers above and an Easter Bunny to the left.

I think that's the same Easter Bunny who shows up at the mall every year.  He looks a little lonely sitting there waiting for someone to pose with him.  


I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's all about American Fashion.


Gemel said...

What a pretty bouquet.

Travel said...

The bunny needs some attention. Happy Easter

biebkriebels said...

The bunny doesn't look so happy...:(

Bill said...

The bunny looks like it has the bunny blues.

RedPat said...

You should have gone up to have your pic taken with him, Sharon. Happy Easter to you.

William Kendall said...

He does indeed.

Steve Reed said...

Happy Easter! I love those irises!

Aimz said...

awww the bunny looks a bit lonely