Friday, April 29, 2022

Driving on the Mountain


Last week, I was early for an appointment so to kill a little time, I took a drive on one of the Camelback Mountain streets that I hardly ever travel.  I took the opportunity to take a few photos out the window. 

There are a lot of houses hidden by rock formations and canyons on the mountain.

The architecture is varied and interesting.

I hadn't been exploring on the mountain in a while so I enjoyed this little detour.  


biebkriebels said...

A nice place to live in nature.

Andy said...

Thanks for the tour. The houses and view are very different from the housing here.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful houses, no doubt with amazing views.

Travel said...

Flashbacks to one of my father's favorite drives in the mid 1960's. The homes are larger now.

RedPat said...

These are fantastic, Sharon. That first one is on a very hilly site.

Catarina said...

I don't think I would like to live in a house surrounded by huge rocks.

Bill said...

The first house probably has a wonderful view. They are all nice houses and offer you some peace and seclusion.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful homes. I can't even imagine what they must cost!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Like something out of a James Bond Film

Janey and Co. said...

Oh wouldn’t it be fun to tour each one of them. Amazes me the number of what I call mansions in this country!

William Kendall said...

I like the architecture.

Aimz said...

I like the architecture of the houses, the shapes seem to fit well into the scenery.

Bohemian said...

They do have beautiful Homes there, but the Mountainous Streets give me Anxiety when I'm driving them. We almost bought a fabulous Home on a Mesa in Wickenburg, but the drive to it was terrifying, but the Views were Magnificent! Ended up buying a Mini Farm in the West Valley as the Forever Home... love it and the Community, established in the 1970's as the City just grew up around it, so the best of both Worlds now. Great to find a local Blogger who visits many of the same places I enjoy here around Phoenix. I've enjoyed looking thru your Photo Archives. Your Food images are Sublime... now I'm hungry! *LOL*