Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dinner on The Desert


Last Saturday evening was the 2022 Dinner on the Desert event at the Desert Botanical Garden.  It's their major fund-raising event of the year.  My friends Julie and Dave hosted a table and I was lucky enough to be their guest.

Our table was beautifully set.  I love the gold chairs and utensils.  If you look in the upper left corner of the photo, you will see blooms on one of the cactus.

Here's a close up of two huge blooms.  I think there were seven in all and they were right next to our table so we could enjoy them all evening.  Tomorrow I'll show you what was on the menu.


biebkriebels said...

That looks very inviting to have a dinner between the flowers.

Travel said...

Looks like a lovely evening

Catarina said...

Lovely table!
I'm looking forward to seeing the menu. : )

William Kendall said...

Sounds like you had an enjoyable evening.

RedPat said...

What a spectacular setting for a dinner. You are lucky to have such good friends, Sharon.

Bill said...

That's a very nice table setup for an enjoyable evening.

Aimz said...

wow the table looks set out so nicely

Gemel said...

Perfect setting for dinner.

Steve Reed said...

Love the flowers. I'm not sure about gold utensils, though. That just looks weird to me. I guess I'm a traditionalist. LOL