Saturday, April 23, 2022

Busy Bees


If I want to capture a bee or two, I just head over to the gaura belleza plant.  There is always a few bees dancing around these blooms.  

Trying to capture the busy bees and the swaying blooms is always a nice challenge.  Sometimes I'm lucky.  

Memory Trigger: Typing that title "Busy Bees" brought back a childhood memory.  There used to be a store in Quincy Illinois where I grew up called "Busy Bee".  It was one of those places that sells just about everything.  If I needed a new pair of shoes or dad needed some T-shirts or mom was looking for a summer hat, the Busy Bee had it all.  I can still picture the place with its creaking wood floors and a ceiling full of fans that were all connected together with one, very large fan belt.  Great memories!


biebkriebels said...

What a lucky shot! Well done.

Andy said...

Way to go Sharon. Photographing bees on flowers is a challenge. Photographing one in flight is even more challenging.

Travel said...

Great bee shots, it is good to see honeybees about. I love the memory trigger, my home town hardware store still feels like that

RedPat said...

These are great shots of the bees.
It is nice to get a memory coming back like that, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

Excellent macros!

Catarina said...

These are very good pictures!!! I love the second one.

Steve Reed said...

I think I've said this before, but we used to have Gaura plants in our garden. They didn't last long, unfortunately.

Bill said...

Excellent bee captures, they are beauties.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty photos. We have a lot of happy bees on our bottlebrush blooms outside our window right now. Fun to watch!

Aimz said...

Always good to see the bees buzzing around, we need them

Gemel said...

Wonderful captures.